Finding Your Voice Workshop! Thurs/Friday

Hey Reader, Unlock Your Artistic Potential:

The Finding Your Voice Workshop for Artists & Photographers

Join me on Thursday at 1 PM PDT and/or Friday at 6 PM PDT for a free workshop designed specifically for artists and photographers looking to create art that stands out for their ideal collectors.

There are TWO workshops, so everyone can get in live with me and have their questions answered. You can come to one or both, but Friday's Workshop will be over Drinks 🍻

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established artist seeking to refine your visual expression, this workshop will provide you with the tools to find the niche your art deserves to thrive in and to find the collectors who live in that niche.

Understand the Importance of Finding Your Voice:

Believe in the Power of Growth: Understand that your current creative output is not your final stage. Believe that with the right guidance and resources, your art and business can evolve far beyond what you've imagined.

Trust in the Value of Your Art: Recognize that your art brings unique value to the world and is deserving not just appreciation but fair compensation. Your creations are more than expressions; they are contributions that enrich the lives of others. Finding the highest level of your creative being is going to multiply your value.

Embrace the Journey of Learning: Accept that mastery is a continuous journey. The path to becoming a successful artist is paved with knowledge and skills that extend beyond the canvas.

Seek Strength in Community: Acknowledge that the journey of an artist need not be a solitary one. There is immense power and inspiration to be found in a community of like-minded individuals who support and challenge each other to reach new heights.

We're going to discuss:

  1. How to find your voice as an artist.
  2. How to name your art and how a name guides the experience of the viewer
  3. How to increase social media engagement. What should you be posting and what do you do after?
  4. How to find your WHY and how that is going to be exposed in your art like a raw nerve.


Workshop # 1 - June 27th 1 PM PDT
Workshop # 2 - June 28th 6 PM PDT

1-hour presentation followed by Q&A

Is there a replay? Yes. Everyone who registers for the Workshop will get the replay! So, even if you can't make it but want the replay, register.

The Art of Selling Art

I help early and mid-career artists adopt a business mindset and sell more art. Sub below and I'll send the 10-tips for Art Sales PDF.

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